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Area Dashboard
Updated over 3 months ago

Use the Areas tab to view the area distribution of spaces in your project. The Area Dashboard displays both the target areas from the imported CSV file and the achieved areas after editing. This feature simplifies the design process by enabling easy tracking of designed areas (as well as a comparison with program requirements). With options to view Carpet Area (Net Area), Built-up Area (Gross Area), and FAR, the dashboard automates calculations, saving time and ensuring accuracy while allowing designers to focus on creativity. Access the Areas tab by clicking the icon in the top-right corner of the project.


The area dashboard is divided into the following sections:


Dashboard Setting

Within this dashboard, you can select specific area type to 'View' in Dashboard along with the 'Sort by' Type.

  • Net Area (Carpet Area): by Label and Storey

  • Gross Area (Built-up Area): by Storey

  • F.A.R.: by Storey

  • Count: by Label and Storey


This sorting capability helps to organize all labels of the same category into a single line, facilitating a clearer view of your data.

Sort By Storey: In Sort by Storeys, spaces linked to a specific storey are grouped under the respective storey. This sorting method helps gather area distribution data in each of the storeys. All view types can be sorted by storey.


Sort By Label: In Sort by Labels, all the spaces having same Labels will be grouped together. This is particularly useful when you want to view a consolidated data on the area of the same space label. Note that only Carpet area (Net area) & Count can be sorted by Label.


Viewing Target Areas

Please note that targets can only be set during the CSV import process; they cannot be adjusted through space edits in the Snaptrude project.

  • The dashboard setting includes a 'Show Targets' toggle feature that can be activated or deactivated at any time.

  • This function is activated only when the sorting is by labels. In other words, 'Targets' are visible only for Carpet area (Net area) and Count when sorted by label.

  • The "Show Targets" represent CSV targets calculated by multiplying the count by the area of the unit of imported CSV.

  • Hovering over each label reveals the percentage of the target area that has been achieved.

  • The darker number indicates the achieved area, while the other value below it shows the target area.

  • Removing an area not only changes the percentage of the achieved target for that label but also impacts the total area shown in the summary section.

  • This alteration is also reflected in the count for the specific label and is apparent in the count summary.


As you begin editing the spaces in your project, the area of these spaces may sometimes exceed or fall short of the target areas. The Deviation feature helps monitor these variations, empowering designers to make informed decisions during the concept design phase. Deviation refers to the maximum acceptable variation from the target area, which users can customize by setting a specified percentage via the configure button. This adjustment feature is especially useful for managing categories like Carpet Area (Net Area) and Count, particularly when working with CSV targets.

Deviation can adjusted from the "Configure" button. The default setting for deviation is five percent, but it can be adjusted at any moment by manually entering a new percentage value and clicking on "Apply".


Deviation Indicators:

After setting the deviation, if the achieved areas are less than or more than the target the following indication will be visible in the area dashboard as shown below:

a. When the achieved area is less than the target area, it is visually indicated by an orange highlight to signal this discrepancy.


b. On the other hand, if the achieved area is more than the target, it is highlighted in red.


Pro-Tip : This feature is very useful with 'Count' as well. You can identify how much target count was proposed in the csv and compare it with the achieved count.

F.A.R. (Floor Area Ratio)

For FAR calculations, the emphasis is strictly on spaces and slabs.


Users can opt to exclude any of these spaces by deselecting them. When a space is deselected, it is excluded from the area calculation, which leads to a reduction in the overall area.


Setting up the FAR

The FAR value by default is shown as zero. To display the FAR, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on the Set Target FAR button or 'Configure' button.


Step 2: Enter desired Site Area (or draw a space on the design canvas & label it as "Site". Area of that drawn site will be captured directly here) and define Target F.A.R. values.


Step 3: Following this, click on the 'Apply' button.


Once applied, it provides a clear comparison of the achieved FAR against the set target FAR.

Graph Options

The area dashboard includes various chart options.

A. Ring chart: By default the ring chart is active in the area tab. Hovering over a specific part of the chart, offers a quick overview of the relevant data.


B. Bar graph: Clicking the graph icon changes it to a Bar graph, providing an alternative visual representation of areas (which can be sorted by storeys as well).

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