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Central library creation (Pt.1) - Uploading materials on Snaptrude
Central library creation (Pt.1) - Uploading materials on Snaptrude
Updated over a week ago

Follow the steps below to add materials to a Team Library:

  1. To upload materials into the central library, go the respective team’s Library then Materials.


  2. You'll find default columns displaying material properties like texture, material name, material type, U & V scale, angle, opacity, cost, and other details. You can also add new property parameters to this default list.

  3. Add Materials to the library:

    • To add a new material to the library, click on the “Upload materials” button.

    • A window opens, upload texture files from your computer or drag & drop them in there. Choose the relevant category for the material. You can upload multiple files together as well.

    • Then click on “Upload Material” to add the texture(s) to the library.

    • Once uploaded, you can go ahead and change the parameters like name, cost, description, etc for the material.

  4. Create New Property Parameter:

    • Click on ‘Add new property’ to include the new parameter.

    • A window will appear for you to fill in details such as the parameter name and its type.

    • Type in the parameter name and select the desired type from the available options.

    • To edit the custom property, right click on the name & you can either edit or delete it as required.

  5. Add New Material Category:

    • To add a new material category, click on the dropdown from the respective column.

    • Click on the ‘+ Add Type’ sign & fill in the details of the custom category to create one.

    • You can then assign it to other Materials or delete it from the list by selecting it from the drop-down.

  6. Finally, to remove, rename or duplicate any material, right click on the material name. Then select from the dropdown the required action.

Note: All the property parameters added in the library here will also be visible to the user, in the object properties tab, while working on the project. However, they will only be able to edit these parameters from the central library here.

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