Before you begin modeling your Snaptrude Project, it's important to set the right units for the project you're working on.
Access Project Settings: Locate the bottom toolbar and click on "Project Settings."
Choose Units: Select your preferred unit from the available options under the Units section. You can change these units at any time during your design process.
Adjust Tolerance: Adjust the tolerance to determine the precision of your drawing dimensions. The default setting is 0.00, but you can modify it as needed.
Utilize Snaps: Configure Snaps to restrict cursor movement to defined intervals using these two snap options:
a. Dimension Snap: It ensures the user can design with precise dimensions, with a default value of 100. Adjust or disable it as per your project's requirements.
b. Angle Snap: Similarly, angle snap aids in drawing precise angles. Adjust the angle value or disable it based on your needs.
Enable Snap Options: Toggle Parallel, Orthogonal, and Normal snap options for drawing alignment. Each snap type is represented by a distinct color. You can use these snaps to perform functions such as draw, copy, move, and edit (push/pull).
Activate Grids: Turn on grids on your screen for enhanced visual guidance. Adjust the grid size according to your preferences.