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Importing CAD Files
Updated over a week ago

Designers can import DWG files into Snaptrude, while maintaining the exact dimensions and units from the CAD drawings. Moreover, vertex snapping is enabled for both the Draw tool, allowing precise tracing for 3D modeling over the imported plans. Follow the steps to import a CAD file into your project on Snaptrude.

Importing CAD Files

Step 1: To Import CAD files click on Import.


Step 2: In the import tab that appears, choose CAD files.


Step 3: Click browse CAD files, select the file, and click open.

Pro-tip: Before uploading the CAD file, remember to check the project units, purge the file, and if the file size is large, consider splitting it into multiple CAD files. It's advisable to save different floor plans in separate CAD files.


Step 4: If the wrong file is uploaded, there's an option to cancel the upload by clicking on the 'X' button. Next, select the storey on which you wish to upload. By default, the current active storey will be visible, but you change it using the arrow keys or by manually entering a value.


Step 5: Finally, click on import.


The file will then be imported onto the respective floor.


1. You can also move, and rotate the imported file in the design canvas as needed.
2. Only 2D CAD drawings are supported for the import.

Additional options in 'Imported Files' tab

Step 1: For more options such as hide/unhide & delete, click on the imported file icon.


Step 2: Navigate to AutoCAD.


Step 3: Here, find options to hide, unhide, and delete the file as per requirement.


Creating a 3D Model from a CAD Drawing

Step 1: Use 'Draw tool' (Shortcut 'L') in the 'Design tab' to draw elements such as walls, slabs, columns, floors, etc.

Observe how the vertices of the CAD file snap with the draw tool while drawing, making creating 3D models from CAD a quick and easy process.


Pro-tip: Lock and unlock the CAD file from the bottom bar to avoid other tools such as move, rotate, etc snapping to the CAD when you are working.


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