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Departments in Spaces
Updated over a week ago

Departments is a metadata associated with 'Spaces' and 'Floors'. It helps categorize multiple spaces (or floors) into different labels through color and area calculations. By default, all spaces are under a 'Default' department.

Creating Departments

From Object Properties Panel - After selecting a space/s, new departments can be created in two ways from the propertied panel.

A. In the 'Department' dropdown from the properties panel, click on the New Department button. Enter the department's name and assign a color using the sliders or by entering a hex code. Click on Create to add the new department to the list.


B. Create a Department Directly: You can create a new department directly by typing in the name.


Assign a Department

To assign a department, open the Object Properties panel for a space or floor and select a department from the dropdown. You can also multi-select objects for simultaneous assignment.


Configure Department Settings

To edit a department's name or colour code, click on it from the dropdown and then click on the Configure button. Here, you're able to edit the name and color.


Pro-tip: Search for a Department: Enter the name of the department you are searching for directly in the dropdown menu.


View Spaces by Department Color

To view all your spaces by department color, click on View Settings and activate the Department option under the Color mode dropdown.


Export Sheets with Space & Department Labels

If you want to export your spaces as a PDF, you can define whether to export these with or without the labels by clicking on the Labels, Check Labels dropdown and toggling the Department option.


2. Assign Departments to Floors - Departments can also be assigned to the object type 'Floor'. Create a floor and assign it a department from the dropdown, or create one as shown before.

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