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Sharing A Project With Other Stakeholders
Sharing A Project With Other Stakeholders
Updated over a week ago

By following these steps, you can quickly invite project members to view or edit the project with a single click:

  1. Open the Project: Navigate to the specific project you want to share.

  2. Click on the Share Button: Located at the top right corner of the screen, click on the "Share" button.

  3. Enter Email ID: In the prompted window, enter the member's email ID you wish to add.

  4. Send Invite: Click on "Send Invite" to send the invitation. The member will be added to the list with default 'Viewer' permission. Furthermore, recipients will receive an email notification containing a direct link to access the project.

  5. Change Permissions (Optional): To grant editing permissions, select 'Editor' from the drop-down menu next to the user's name. Additionally, if the project is in a team with a custom role specified in the Preferences, you can assign that role to the stakeholder.

  6. Remove User (Optional): You can remove a user by selecting the 'Remove' option next to their name.

  7. Copy Model URL: Optionally, you can copy the URL of the model and send it to your collaborators for easy access.

Note: Below the list of users with access to the model, there’s an option to change the permissions of who can see your Snaptrude project. You can choose between “Restricted: Only those added” and “Anyone with the link”. “Restricted: Only those added” indicates that your Snaptrude project is only accessible to those who’s email IDs you’ve entered. “Anyone with the link” shows that anyone with the link to your Snaptrude project can access your 3D Model only as a viewer.

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