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Importing Door and Window to Project Library
Updated over 5 months ago
  1. Open the Project in which you wish to add the components

  2. Go to the Door or Window tab (Shortcut β€˜D’ & β€˜W’ respectively) on the right panel.

  3. Click the "Add Door/Window" button.

  4. Optionally, select the category from the drop-down menu. (Note: Select the correct type category when adding doors and windows in the library. These categories are crucial for creating the annotation symbols in the 2D view).

  5. Click "Select from Computer" or drag and drop the files. You can upload multiple files at once as well. (Supported file types: .skp, .obj, .fbx, .3ds)

  6. Click "Import Door/Window" to add the selected files to your library.



1. If the door/window is added to a project library in it will not be accessible to anyone except the account owner. In other words, door/window added in a project library is not accessible to other team members or shared project participants.

2. Door/window added directly to the project library CANNOT be deleted from the library later.

3. Door/Window uploaded in a project library cannot have other parameters such as cost, description, etc associated to it. To add these properties, upload directly to a team on Snaptrude. (Visit Central library creation (Pt.2) - Uploading Furniture, Door, & Window to know more).

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